By submitting your sighting of an invasive species, you are contributing data to the National Invasive Species Database which provides a centralized source of up-to-date information on the distribution of invasive species in Ireland.

The sighting data can be used to trigger an on-site rapid response to remove or contain rare occurrence alert invasive species. By collating and publishing your sighting on Biodiversity Maps of a more widespread invasive species, we gain a better understanding of the status and threat posed by that species and, of the magnitude of actions required to manage it at a national, regional or local level.

How to submit your invasive species sighting?

One to a few records:

Use the online invasives recording form
The Biodiversity Data Capture phone app.
This app is freely available for android and iPhone. It mirrors the on-line recording system above.

Many records
Download Excel template, complete and submit by e-mail to [email protected] OR
E-mail already digitized records in Excel (format all cells to text).
Other formats are also accepted such as GIS and MapMate but please contact the Biodiversity Data Centre prior to submission.

What happens to my sighting when it is submitted?

  1. If your sighting has been submitted through the Biodiversity Data Capture app or the online invasive species recording form, the record enters into a central holding database of unvalidated records. The location of the sighting is mapped with some basic information  that can be immediately viewed through Ireland’s Citizen Science Portal in the species stats webpage.
  2. A copy of all sightings submitted to the National Biodiversity Data Centre is periodically processed by the staff. Staff will review the sighting record details to see if the sighting can be verified from the information provided. Submitting a photo of the species seen will greatly aid in verification of the species identity, other criteria may also be used. The recorder may be contacted by staff for additional details. Often, the sighting photo or record details (minus contact information) are passed to external experts to help with verification of the species identity.
  3. If the sighting can be verified, then it is logged for adding to the open access (CC-By) National Invasive Species Database and publishing on Biodiversity Maps.  This record data is periodically connected to other biodiversity data networks such as GBIF.  If the sighting cannot be verified, it is retained in a holding database.
  4. If the sighting submitted is of a tagged alert invasive species then within 1 hour of submission, the automated Invasive Species Alert system is triggered. This means Biodiversity Data Centre staff receive an alert notifying of the sighting submission with the full record details. The receiving staff will – as soon as possible – review the sighting record and work to have it verified. If verified, the relevant authorities are notified so they can determine the appropriate rapid response actions.

“For every additional record that is submitted, a clearer picture of the status of that invasive species in Ireland is generated”

The Invasive Species Record Alert System

The below infographic outlines the invasive species record alert system operated by the National Biodiversity Data Centre

This video on ‘Ireland’s Invasive Alien Alert System – how to report the Asian hornet’ goes through the steps for submitting a sighting and what happens when that sighting is submitted – in the context of an Asian hornet.  Video created by the Atlantic Positive – Irish project team. @Atlantic_IEproj