Invasive Species Week 13th – 17th May 2019 is here!
Each day over the week we’ll be taking a closer look at invasive species across a range of important environments:
Monday 13th – Freshwater and riparian. For more info check out: www.biodiversityireland.ie/freshwater-and-riparian
Tuesday 14th – Urban environment. Read a short blog on this theme: www.biodiversityireland.ie/urban
Wednesday 15th – Marine
Thursday 16th – Woodland and Bogs: www.biodiversityireland.ie/woodsandbogs
Friday 17th – #GetINNSvolved – promoting volunteering and recording (Submit your invasive species sightings https://records.biodiversityireland.ie/record/invasives).
How can I get involved in Invasive Species Week?
Follow @InvasiveSp on Twitter and retweet posts, create additional posts of your own if you can. Remember to use #InvasivesWeek in your posts. Share infographics and materials online through any other online channels you have (website etc).
Share details / photographs of any events you’re taking part in, of invasive species impacts near you, any invasive species work you’re involved in, displays in your office, any good practice by colleagues and volunteers etc. Use #InvasivesWeek in any posts on social media.
If you are having an event for Invasive Species Week let us know and we'll showcase it to others: e-mail [email protected]