Rapid Risk Assessments (2013)

Species listed as invasive in Ireland come from the Invasive Species in Ireland prioritisation risk assessment last undertaken in 2013.  From this, 52 non-native species recorded in Ireland were ranked as at risk of having a High Impact and 78 species at risk of having a Medium Impact.

High Impact Risk Species

Medium Impact Risk Species

Prioritisation risk assessment is key to understanding the relative risk associated with a larger array of species. This assessment is required primarily for prioritisation and informing decisions that do not have an impact on trade. The prioritisation risk assessment was carried out for 377 non-native species recorded in Ireland and 342 non-native species not known to present in Ireland (potential invaders). These species were assessed, scored and ranked into impact categories of high, medium and low.

Of the 342 potential invaders that were risk assessed, 48 species ranked as possibly having a risk of High Impact. It is important that these species are not introduced into the wild in Ireland and if they do, that they are spotted and removed as soon as possible. These are known as our Watch List species. Since 2013, some of the species on the Watch list have now arrived and established in Ireland such as the Alpine Newt and the Quagga Mussel.

Watch List Species

A report on the work outlined above can be downloaded from: http://invasivespeciesireland.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Risk-analysis-and-prioritization-29032012-FINAL.pdf

Detailed Risk Assessments (2014)

In 2014, 42 non-native species underwent a detailed risk assessment. This is a more comprehensive risk assessment process than the prioritisation risk assessment.  It is a detailed assessment of the risks and uncertainties surrounding a particular species, group of species or pathway of concern.

The purpose of this risk assessment is to gather additional information on a particular species of concern when there is an identified need to do so. This will be used where required such as for the purpose of supporting any trade restrictions. It is important to note that undertaking a detailed risk assessment will not necessarily result in trade restrictions. The process involves expert review of a drafted detailed risk assessment which then undergoes public consultation

Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) co-partnered with the National Biodiversity Data Centre were tasked by the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) to undertake detailed risk assessments on certain non-native species listed in the Third Schedule to the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011.  The non-native species chosen for risk assessment were those currently in trade or potentially subject to trade restrictions.

The risk assessments for the 42 species may be accessed and downloaded below.

The detailed risk assessment used was called NAPRA Ireland



New Risk Assessments (2025-2029)

Funded by the Shared Island Biosecurity and Invasive Species Initiative, an Invasive Species Risk Analysis and Contingency Officer has been employed by the National Biodiversity Data Centre. Their remit is to review risk analysis methods, prioritise species, and conduct a new series of both rapid and detailed Risk Assessments. Updates on this work will be posted here.