Guidance for all water users

Invasive plants and animals from all over the world have been introduced accidentally to Irish waters. Many different species have already been found in our lakes, rivers, seas, and other waterways, and the number of new arrivals is increasing rapidly. They cause serious environmental problems that can be irreversible – outcompeting native wildlife, damaging ecosystems, and spreading disease. They can block waterways and riverbanks, interfere with fishing, and damage boats and propellers.

Contaminated gear (e.g. equipment, boats, footwear, and clothing) is one of the most common causes of their spread to new waterways. They can be small and hard to spot so are easily spread on damp equipment and clothing.  All water users can protect the environment and sport you enjoy by keeping their boat and kit free from invasive plants and animals.

Download these free materials for your club, local community or events to protect our environments and to be a part of the Check, Clean, Dry campaign. If you require high quality print ready versions of any of the materials please contact us[email protected]

Outdoor Sign English
Outdoor Sign Irish
Water Manager Poster
Impacts pull-up
Profiles pull-up
6-panel leaflet
Thank You Sign CCD logo
Thank You Sign CCD logo trio
Check Clean Dry Template