Invasive Species Week 23rd – 29th March 2018 is here!

Each day over the week will be themed to highlight a particular area of invasive species prevention.

Friday 23rd – Launch of Invasive Species Week – Launch and introduction to invasive non-native species
Monday 26th – Ornamental plants – We’ll be promoting Be Plant Wise and raising awareness of invasive plants.
Tuesday 27th – Hitchhikers – We’ll profile some hitchhiker species in Ireland and those that may arrive and in particular promoting Check Clean Dry
Wednesday 28th – Exotic pets – We’ll be looking at some of the potentially invasive animals that have been recorded in the wild in Ireland and promoting the Be Pet Wise campaign
Thursday 29th#GetINNSvolved – promoting volunteering and recording (Submit your invasive species sightings Let us know what you do to tackle invasive species.

Impacts of Invasive Species Info-graphic