Invasive non-native species are one of the top five drivers of global biodiversity loss and cost the Irish economy €2.6 million a year and can even harm our health. Help us to protect our environment and wildlife by taking part in Invasive Species Week!
Last year over 260 organisations took part, if you or your organisation would like to join us in 2023 we’ve put together some ideas and a list of daily themes (see below). This year there are a range of events taking place, from webinars to guided tours. We have included details of events taking place across Ireland and webinars available across all eight British Irish Council administrations. Please let us know your plans ([email protected]) so we can add them to our Calendar of events.
What’s happening throughout the week?
Lots of organisations are supporting Invasive Species Week this year – let us know if you are one of them and we can add your planned activities to our calendar of events or include details on how you plan to take part here.
Glenveagh National Park (NPWS) will have a pop up stand in their Visitor Centre throughout the week they will be carrying out boot washing demonstrations as part of the Check, Clean, Dry code. The National Botanic Gardens have organised a guided tour (details below) and will have an exhibit ‘Eye on Invaders’ on display in the foyer at the National Herbarium from 1st – 31st May. It will show some historic specimens of on important invasive alien plants, including some of the earliest records of these species known to Ireland. Waterways Ireland are organising daily staff awareness notifications, Canal Walk & Talk tour along the Royal canal with Local Community Groups and lots invasive species more themed events throughout the year. Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council are teaming up with the National Biodiversity Data Centre and Irish Sailing to host an awareness raising events in the Peoples Park, Dun Laoghaire. Irish Sailing will be raising awareness and carrying out live demonstration of the Check, Clean, Dry code at sailing events in the Royal St. Georges Yacht Club and the National Yacht Club. Clare Local Development Company have organised a series of webinars and workshops throughout Invasive Species Week find out more details below or to go to their calendar of event click here. Details of all these planned activities (and more!) are listed in our calendar of events below.
Monday 15th May
Social Media Awareness Campaign
Launch of Invasive Species Week Awareness Campaign on social media. The National Biodiversity Data Centre will be posting content throughout the week. You can follow along on Twitter and Facebook @BioDataCentre.
This year we have asked Local Authorities (Biodiversity & Heritage Officers) to tell us about the work they are doing to address invasive species. We will be posting their stories throughout the week. We will also be posting content on the daily themes and ‘spotlight species’.
If you’re posting on Invasive Species Week use the #ReportInvasives #INNSweek to help us get Invasive Species Week 2023 trending!
If you require any further details on how to get involved in invasive species week or if you need any support, contact: [email protected]
Tuesday 16th May
Webinar: 12:00-12:40 Non-native plants in the BSBI Plant Atlas 2020. Hosted by the GB Non-Native Species Secretariat. Find out more and sign up (external link)
Wednesday 17th May
Webinar: 12:00 – 13:00 Shrew and me: the rise of the greater, white-toothed shrew. With the UK Mammal Society. Find out more and sign up (external link)
Canal Walk & Talk: 18:30 – 20:00 Walk & Talk on Invasive Species by Waterways Ireland with Royal Canal Community Groups.
Webinar: 19:00 – 20:30 Prevention and control methods led by Fran Giaquinto and Linda Gilsenan in partnership with Clare Local Development Company (CLDC) and supported by Leader funding. To book a place email: [email protected]
Thursday 18th May
Webinar: 09:00-10:00 The invasive invasion – are our homes being overtaken? With the UK Property Care Association. Find out more and register (external link).
ID workshop 10:30 – 12:30 Identification of invasive species and looking at seed dispersal mechanisms. Led by well-known botanist Phoebe O’Brien in partnership with Clare Local Development Company (CLDC) and supported by Leader funding. To book a place email: [email protected]
Webinar: 12:30-13:00 Greater white-toothed shrew. Hosted by the GB Non Native Species Secretariat. Find out more and register online (external link).
Guided Tour: 14:00 – 15:00 Alien Arrivals – Meeting Ireland’s Invasive Species tour. Join the National Botanic Gardens for a walk and talk to discover some of the alien species that have colonised Ireland. Find out more and sign up.
Friday 19th May
Webinar: 12:30 – 13:30 Jinx the biosecurity dog, with RSPB. Find out more and register by emailing the organiser: [email protected]
Webinar: 13:00-14:00 Biosecurity for LIFE project. Hosted by the GB Non-Native Species Secretariat. Find out more and register online (external link).
Saturday 20th May
Event: Irish Sailing Awareness Raising, Check, Clean, Dry demonstrations at sailing competitions in Dun Laoghaire Harbour.
Classroom online resources day: 10: 30 – 16:00 Learn how to access all the online resources about invasive species that are available, including invasives.ie; biodiversityireland.ie; County Clare invasive species portal. Find out which invasive species have been recorded in your area and prepare a map. Led by Fran Giaquinto and Linda Gilsenan in partnership with Clare Local Development Company (CLDC) and supported by Leader funding. To book a place email: [email protected]
Sunday 21st May
Event: 11:00 – 16:00 Invasive Species Week Awareness Raising event. Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council and the National Biodiversity Data Centre are teaming up to raise awareness of invasive species – one of the leading causes of species extinction and biodiversity loss globally. A stand will be set up in the People’s Park in Dún Laoghaire during the farmers market to give information about all invasives including marine invasive species. Find out more and sign up (external link)
Webinar: 19:30 Conservation dogs of Hawaii. With Conservation dogs of Hawaii. Find out more and register (external link).
Later events
Wednesday 24th May: Public Lecture 15:00 Swimming with the Enemy – Getting to know the aliens in our rivers & lakes. The National Botanic Gardens. Find out more and book your place here.
Friday 26th May: Biodiversity and Invasive Species talk to Primary Schools by Waterways Ireland.
Friday 22nd September: Invasive Species themed Culture Night activities with the Natural History Museum (details to follow).
Daily themes
- Monday – what are invasive non-native species (INNS)? (it’s important to be clear about the difference between non-native and invasive non-native species)
- Tuesday – how are they spread? (are there activities that you or your audience are involved in that are a particular risk)?
- Wednesday – why are they a problem? (how do they affect your local environment, sport, industry etc)?
- Thursday – what is being done to prevent this? (what is your organisation doing already, or what could you pledge to do in future)?
- Friday – what can I do? (what can your audience, staff, or members do to help)?
- Saturday and Sunday – events and activities to take part in (could you arrange an event)?
Event ideas
- Give a talk about invasive species and how to prevent their spread. If you’d rather watch a talk stay tuned for details of our webinar series.
- Create an awareness raising display in your office, classroom, clubhouse etc. Download a poster (PDF) and free awareness raising materials below.
- Hold a baking competition – download some ID materials on priority species and ask your colleagues to have a go at recreating them in cake form!
- Share Be Plant Wise materials with your family and friends, or even a local garden centre to encourage gardeners to dispose of plants responsibly and avoid them spreading into the wild.
- Arrange a Check Clean Dry demonstration at your angling / paddling / sailing club to show how easy it is to keep your kit free of invasive species.
- Put together a trail or hold tours for visitors highlighting all the invasive non-native species in your collection, any native species that are impacted by them, and any stories about how they were introduced and the impacts they could have on the environment.
- Run a competition or quiz to design an invasive species.
- Arrange a lunchtime walk with others to look out for common invasive species near you.
- Contact local media to raise awareness of invasive non-native species and your work.
- Enlist any celebrities you know to support Invasive Species Week!
Online activities
- Include articles in your newsletter, website, blog, membership magazine, mailing list. We’ll be adding some key facts here to help you soon. Think about which species are most relevant to you and the audience you’re trying to reach, local or business issues are more likely to get their attention.
- Share information on social media. During Invasive Species Week follow @BioDataCentre and @InvasiveSp (external link) on Twitter, retweet posts and create additional posts of your own if you can. Remember to use #ReportInvasives and #INNSweek in any posts on social media. Each day we’ll be focusing on a key theme, find details above.
- If you work or volunteer outdoors, use our resources on biosecurity, identification and recording for your team.
- Arrange a webinar with a talk about invasive species and how to prevent their spread. If you’d rather watch a talk stay tuned for details of our webinar series.
- Livestream from the field or film a survey to show which non-native species are likely to be seen on a walk.
- Put together a virtual tour for visitors highlighting all the invasive non-native species in your collection, any native species that are impacted by them, and any stories about how they were introduced and the impacts they could have on the environment.
- Run a competition or quiz to design an invasive species.
- Enlist any celebrities you know to support Invasive Species Week!