The National Parks and Wildlife Service of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage has published two draft Priority Pathway Action Plans on the invasive alien species website, and invites feedback stakeholders and interested parties. These plans, for aquatic pathways, have been developed under Article 13 of the EU IAS Regulation (1143/2014). Article … Continued

Welcome to!

Welcome to, the National Biodiversity Data Centre’s website on invasive alien species. We hope you will find the website a useful resource for information on invasive alien species – those that are in Ireland and widely established, new arrivals (our alert species) and those we are concerned about arriving here in the near future. … Continued

14/11/18  Press release issued by Department of Culture, Arts and Heritage The Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Josepha Madigan TD, laid before the Houses of the Oireachtas new regulations that will help strengthen existing measures protecting the native White-clawed crayfish, particularly with regard to the importation of non-native species of crayfish. SI 354/2018, … Continued

06 May 2011 For Immediate Release First sighting of a Raccoon in the wild in Ireland and a third sighting of a yellow bellied slider causes experts to raise the alarm and call on pet owners to be more responsible with their pets. Working with Invasive Species Ireland, the National Biodiversity Data Centre has now … Continued